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C70 Nozzle

 Ai Camera Nozzle

C70 Düse

Sewer Robotics has introduced artificial intelligence-powered automatic defect coding for videos recorded by the C70 video nozzle in the (free) Sewer Analytics web cloud.

Cleaning and surveying pipes can be an extremely tedious job, but there are ways to streamline the process. From recording high-resolution video with a cleaning nozzle to training AI-powered software to automatically code defects, Sewer Robotics has developed effective solutions that make cleaning and surveying large volumes of pipes and reporting their defects easier and more efficient, without the need for individual testing of personnel.

Take a look at how AI can be used to automate defect coding in cleaning videos. This helps to streamline the process of sewer management, from data collection and analysis to efficiently prioritizing actions and determining which measures to take.

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